Bidesh gaka ae mera hajura

Israel. Israel in the past a long time from a different union sasthaharule each in Nepali festival organized by festivals celebrating the festival came courtesy of two separate ways on the current 2074 year, all women, all the union organized a great festival amid a huge way as BFIs sanyuka is celebrating.

Ijarayalama Yes year of nonfiction historical collective amid threats of Nepal reputation of recognized national artists Waverly spooks, folk singer Kalika stopped but, popular singer role Giri, and with comic artist Sujit Thapa odd blockbuster entertainment presentation on engagement and ijarayalama working to remain local artists also bang presentation live Is it

Friday 25 August 2017 to this Project will amid the right time ijarayali 6: 30 pm will start the evening. And the place where you are planning is TELAVIV UNIVERSITY SMOLARG TELVIV. For the convenience of the park program of movement lacked lebansaki free transportation byavastha the organizer said limits.

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